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United Nations ZeroCon + .lumen

Updated: Jul 4

.lumen went to ZeroCon 2024 at the United Nations in Vienna. Even the Federal Minister of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection in Austria tested the Glasses on television, which was such a pleasure and honour.

Making an Impact

A lot of visually impaired people tested the .lumen Glasses, and no words can describe how it feels to see your work bringing so much joy. They broke language barriers, they broke mobility barriers. Check the following two videos to witness these moments:

  • Blind person testing the .lumen Glasses for the first time at the United Nations in Vienna. After a minute with the device, he began navigating, and the video shows the rest.

  • Another blind person testing at the UN in Vienna. Listen to those claps of joy at the end. Over 100 people have tried the dotLumen - Empowering the Blind Glasses prototypes these days, and today is just starting.

A Memorable Experience

We participated in a segment on "Access Tech Live" hosted by Steven Scott and Marc Aflalo, both experts in assistive technology to showcase our .lumen Glasses. We highlighted innovations in disability inclusion and explored technology's impact on people with disabilities. You can watch the podcast below:

Thank you, United Nations and ZeroCon conference, for having us there! The experience was unforgettable and highlighted the impact of our technology on a global stage.

More news coming soon, stay tuned!

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